Service Providers
Employment Networks (EN) and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies operate as service providers under the Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program. While State VR agencies operate separately from the Ticket Program, they can choose to function as an EN and receive compensation under the Ticket Program or partner with ENs and provide Ticketholders with a seamless transition from receiving VR services to receiving ongoing employment supports from an EN.
At the end of December 2024, there were 365 ENs and 77 State VR agencies operating under the Ticket Program. These service providers worked with over 279,000 Ticketholders on their journey to self-sufficiency.
State VR agencies provide a range of services including:
- Vocational counseling and guidance
- Job placement assistance
- College/vocational training
- Supported employment services
- Skills training
- Job coaching/tutoring
- Transportation
- Interpreter services
- Services to transition-age youth
- Assistive technology and rehabilitation technology services
ENs provide a similar set of services including:
- Benefits counseling
- Goal setting
- Job coaching
- Job development
- Training
- Job Placement Assistance
- Long-term employment support
To learn more about State VR agencies, visit the VR Basics page. For more information on ENs, start by visiting the Types of ENs page.