The Ticket Program is an outcome-based program offering participating ENs financial compensation for successfully assisting disability beneficiaries (Ticketholders) to enter, maintain and advance in employment. By becoming an EN, your organization can earn unrestricted funding to use for an unlimited range of purposes based on the needs of your organization.
The Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program offers Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities the choices, opportunities and supports needed to find and keep employment, increase their earnings through work, and reduce their reliance on cash benefits to the greatest extent possible.
Employment Network (EN) Guide for Working with Ticketholders
Check out the Employment Network (EN) Guide for Working with Ticketholders, a resource to aid ENs in developing relationships with Ticketholders and supporting them through their journey to financial self-sufficiency.
Employment Network Guide to Marketing and Workbook
Check out this new resource to assist Employment Networks (EN) in marketing and promoting their Ticket to Work Program services to clients and stakeholders.
Visit the Training and Events page! Here, you will find a calendar of upcoming events, information about past events, and training materials to help you manage your Ticket Program operations.
Ticket to Work for Workforce Agencies
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) actively encourages public workforce system entities to become Employment Networks (ENs). Workforce entities qualify automatically to become ENs and are encouraged to learn more about the benefits and many ways to participate in the Ticket Program.
Find out how State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies and Employment Networks (ENs) across the country are collaborating to increase the likelihood of long-term employment and career success for Ticketholders.
Helpful Resources

Social Security Regional Contacts
Contact local Area Work Incentives Coordinators (AWIC) serving in each of Social Security's 10 regions.

Find helpful forms including the Ticket Program Agreement (TPA) Change Form, Individual Work Plan (IWP) Form 1370, and more.

Find the New EN Guide for Working with Ticketholders, Suitability Guide, 18-Month Look Back Tool, Payments at a Glance, and more.

Service Provider Outreach Toolkit
Access free resources designed to promote Ticket Program services. Find factsheets, posters, sample program language, press releases, graphics and more.

Upcoming Events
Get the details on the next event and quickly locate presentation materials from the previous national event.

Service Provider Foundations
Review self-paced training materials covering Suitability, Individual Work Plans (IWP), Payments, EN Marketing, and more.

Ticket Terms A to Z
Visit the glossary defining terms, acronyms, concepts, processes, procedures, and automated systems associated with Social Security's disability programs.

External Resources
Find out more about Disability Hiring, Section 503 and Schedule A Hiring, and resources for Veterans.

Program Administration Information
Visit Social Security's Work Site for policy and programmatic information about the Ticket to Work Program.