
The Ticket Program Manager provides service providers with various training opportunities throughout the year. Below are a few training presentations that Employment Networks (EN) and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies can use to learn more about the Ticket to Work Program.

Working with Beneficiaries

Beneficiary Overpayment Protection: In the Ticket to Work program, a Social Security disability beneficiary may continue to receive Federal cash benefits while earning an income through work. As a beneficiary continues working and increases his/her earnings, monthly cash benefits are reduced and/or suspended due to gross wages and earnings. If cash benefits continue after they should have ceased, the beneficiary will likely accrue an overpayment. This training module reviews ways to prevent an overpayment and how to deal with a notice from the Social Security Administration (SSA) about such an occurrence.

Last Updated: 9/10/2015

Beneficiary Intake Process: The right match between an Employment Network (EN) and a beneficiary is important to being successful with the Ticket to Work Program. The intake process not only offers a beneficiary an opportunity to determine if an EN offers the services needed to meet their employment goals, but it allows for an EN to screen a potential client, agree to work with them, or refer them to other resources or organizations. This training takes you through the process of an EN conducting an intake, highlighting questions that are important to ask a beneficiary, identifying a right match, and utilizing the Ticket to Work Intake Tool.

Last Updated: 7/12/2016

  • Beneficiary Intake Process Presentation (PDF) (PPT)

Ticket Program Basics: The Ticket to Work program was established in Federal law in 1999 in the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act. This training is designed specifically for new service providers with the Ticket program. This training describes the Ticket to Work program and the role of approved service providers serving beneficiaries with disabilities; identifies key partners in the Ticket program, provides tips on how to determine whether a beneficiary is a good match for your organization; covers Ticket assignments, and identifies resources to aid you in becoming a successful Employment Network (EN).

Last Updated: 1/18/2016


Individual Work Plan (IWP): To secure a beneficiaries Ticket assignment, an EN must develop a customized, well-written and agreed-upon Individualized service plan, known as an Individual Work Plan (IWP). This training is designed to assist an EN as it works with the beneficiary to draft a plan that is customized to the individual's needs to reach self-sufficiency.

Last Updated: 6/08/2015

Personally Identifiable Information (PII): It is the requirement that all service providers and its employees and contracts to properly safeguard Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from loss, theft or inadvertent disclosure. PII information refers to any information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity. This training defines PII and provides guidance for identifying, protecting, reporting, and communicating with PII.

Last Updated: 7/12/2016

Technical Assistance: There are times when the TPM will audit an Individual Work Plan (IWP). A technical assistance session is sometimes required as a follow up. This training discusses the selection process of technical assistance reviews and discusses the actions for an EN to take based off of the recommendations from a Program Integrity (PI) Analyst during the call.

Last Updated: 9/16/2015

Business Operations

Suitability: All members of an organization's staff must be deemed suitable to have access and/or exchange Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about beneficiaries they're working with. Suitability is required when doing business with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and/or the Ticket Program Manager. This presentation is designed to provide guidance to individuals as they prepare for the suitability process, complete the materials needed and where to submit necessary documents.

Last Updated: 7/12/2016

Employment Network (EN) Marketing: Marketing is an important process of getting consumers interested in your products or services. In an effort to increase your Ticket to Work business, this training includes steps to creating a marketing strategy and suggestions for strengthening marketing efforts to the community. At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to identify one new way to market their organization and will be able to track the success of new methods.

Last Updated: 7/12/2016

Partnership Plus Overview: The Ticket to Work Program encourages collaboration between Employment Networks (EN) and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies through a service delivery arrangement called Partnership Plus. This training introduces its purpose, goals and the different models of Partnership Plus.

Last updated 7/12/2016

Essential Tools for EN Success: This presentation gives examples of the best practices that Employment Networks (EN) use to conduct their Ticket business successfully and efficiently. As an EN it is important to take advantage of the resources that are available to increase and track your Ticket business. New technology, training and resources, and networking opportunities with community partners are just a few ideas discussed. 

Last Updated: 8/10/2015

  • Essential Tools for EN Success - Part 1 (PPT) (PDF)
  • Essential Tools for EN Success - Part 2 (PPT) (PDF)


EN Payments Process: Employment Networks (ENs) receive compensation for working with Social Security disability beneficiaries as they progress through the steps of economic self-sufficiency. This presentation is an introduction to the payments process under the Ticket to Work program. It introduces the two payment models available to ENs and provides an overview of the rules surrounding payment eligibility.

Last updated: 1/22/2015

  • EN Payments Process Presentation (PDF) (PPT)

Monthly Earnings Estimator Tool: The Monthly Earnings Estimator Tool is a tool to assist Employment Networks (ENs) to determine when a beneficiary's earnings might qualify for payment under the Ticket to Work program. It does not deal with the other factors that are taken into account in determining when an EN qualifies for payment. This training describes how the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers earnings, it demonstrates the use of the Monthly Earnings Estimator to calculate possible eligible earnings months, and encourages ENs to use the estimator in conjunction with other factors to properly submit payment requests.

Last Updated: 7/12/2016

  • Monthly Earnings Estimator Tool Presentation (PDF) (PPT)