EN Essentials Resource Guides


Employment Network Guide for Working with Ticketholders

The Employment Network Guide for Working with Ticketholders provides information to aid Employment Networks (EN) in developing relationships with Ticketholders and supporting them through their journey to financial self-sufficiency.

The guide provides specific tips and details about:

  • Conducting a thorough intake discussion with a Ticketholder
  • Creating and updating a detailed Individual Work Plan (IWP)
  • Assigning and unassigning Tickets
  • Preparing for IWP and Services and Supports Reviews

Access the guide here: Employment Network Guide for Working with Ticketholders (ssa.gov)


Employment Network Guide to Marketing and Workbook

The Employment Network Guide to Marketing and Workbook serve as a comprehensive resource to assist Employment Networks (EN) in marketing services effectively to clients and stakeholders. The structure and content are designed to offer an understanding of key marketing concepts, tailored specifically to the needs of ENs.

The Employment Network Guide to Marketing provides:

  • Step-by-step information and components for developing a marketing plan, which includes Research, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
  • Detailed strategies and ideas for implementing a marketing plan, using popular marketing channels and specific tactics to apply within each channel.
  • Content and resources developed the Ticket to Work Program to make it easier for ENs to launch and maintain fresh content for their marketing efforts. 

The Employment Network Guide to Marketing Workbook contains worksheets with more in-depth information, examples and templates related to the fundamental marketing components covered in the guide.

Access the guide and workbook here: