Administrative EN

An Administrative Employment Network (AEN) is a group of service providers organized under a single EN of Record. The EN of Record completes the EN Request for Application (RFA) and assumes responsibility for ensuring that all requirements in the RFA and Ticket Program Agreement (TPA) are met. The EN of Record typically manages the Ticket Program administrative functions while the provider affiliates provide Ticketholder services. There are a variety of Administrative EN models. 

An Administrative EN is executed with a written agreement that defines the roles and responsibilities of participating organizations. The agreement also specifies how Ticket payments and other program compensation will be distributed among participating organizations, including how the EN of Record will be compensated for assuming the administrative functions associated with participation in the Ticket to Work Program (Ticket Program).

Advantages of the Administrative EN model

  • Centralized and streamlined administrative functions can create cost efficiencies in Ticket Program operations.
  • The participation of multiple service providers expands the scope, duration and geographic availability of services.
  • Administrative ENs can serve as incubators for qualified non-EN affiliates to explore service provision under the Ticket Program without becoming ENs.

As evidenced in existing models, the EN of Record may be a private or public sector organization. The geographic scope of the Administrative EN's delivered services may be national, multi-state, statewide, multi-county or local.