Outcome Payments Under the Milestone/Outcome Payment System

Table 3 outlines the Outcome payments available to an Employment Network (EN) if the Ticketholder continues to have gross monthly earnings that meet or exceed Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) and his or her disability benefits have ceased. (SGA levels in 2025: $1,620/month for Ticketholders with disabilities other than blindness and $2,700/month for Ticketholders who are blind or visually impaired). If these criteria are met and the Ticketholder continues to work and earn at this level, the EN can submit for Ticket payments at $555/month for up to 36 months for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries.

For Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries, the rate is $310/month for up to 60 months. If a Ticketholder moves into the Outcome payment phase before an EN receives all available Milestone payments, a reconciliation payment is made after the 12th Outcome payment has been processed. This one-time, lump-sum payment equals any unpaid Milestone payments that would have been available to the EN with the Ticket assignment.

Table 3: Outcome Payments Under the Milestone/Outcome Payment System


Ticketholder Net Earnings

EN Payment 

EN Payment 

Outcome Phase

Earnings are greater than or equal to 
SGA ($1,620/non-blind; $2,700 for blind) AND zero cash benefit

(for 36 mos.)

(for 60 mos.)

Total Outcome Payments




Total Ticket Payments (Phase 1 & 2 Outcomes)




The EN can generate over $30,000 for each Ticketholder that is successfully employed over the time periods designated for SSDI or SSI (see Table 3) if the Ticketholder:

  • Remains with the same EN,

  • Meets all of the earning requirements for Milestones and Outcomes 

  • Does not have a recent work history, and

  • Was not placed in employment by a State Vocational Rehabilitation agency.

For quick details about the earnings levels a Ticketholder is required to reach for an EN to earn Milestone and Outcome Payments, see the 2025 Payments at a Glance in the Resource Documents section of the Information Center.